Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult and stressful challenges that many of us will face. There are not only mental implications of dealing with so many emotions, but physical implications as well. Loss of sleep, headaches, loss of appetite, nausea, and the list goes on. When I lost my mom at the end of 2018, I thought I would never be okay again. I was so physically and mentally broken down and exhausted. Fast forward a bit, and while there are days I feel okay, these days are (still) sometimes followed by nights filled with horrible nightmares and extreme anxiety.
As time goes on, I know I will learn better ways to manage the stress and sadness that comes from not having my mom around. While nothing could ever cure this pain or make it go away, there are things that can help. Of course, for me, travel is one of those things.
Travel Reduces Stress
Travel is the perfect distraction. Even before the flight takes off or you hit the road, you’ll need to focus on planning. Changing up your routine even if just for a few days will give you a much needed mental break. Studies actually show that travel reduces stress. Sure, while some aspects of traveling may momentarily increase anxiety, like missing flights or getting lost (more on that later), the benefits are shown to linger long after the trip has ended.
Travel Makes You Appreciate

Travel helps broaden your perspective. It makes you realize how small you are in such a big world. While that might sound kind of depressing, it’s actually oddly reassuring. Everytime I travel, I feel overwhelmed with gratitude. Whether it’s from being able to experience the natural beauty of a place, new cultures and traditions, or simply missing and appreciating things you take for granted at home. Travel will remind you to be grateful even when things don’t seem to be going your way.
Travel Helps You Build Emotional Strength
Travel teaches us to adapt and deal with unexpected changes. On social media, you only see one side of traveling. You see all the beautiful scenery, the fun times, and perfect moments. But you don’t often see what it took to get there. You rarely see the side of traveling that almost always includes delayed flights, changing plans due to weather or unforeseen events, or getting stuck on the side of a road for hours. The truth is, you will always have to deal with unexpected changes, but if it were easy, it wouldn’t be so rewarding. And this teaches us some pretty valuable life lessons. You may be forced out of your comfort zone, but allowing yourself to be vulnerable is such an important part of the healing process. And how we make it out of these difficult situations helps shape who we eventually become.